Китайско-Русская Торговая Палата

+7 (936) 101-78-15


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Chinese - Russian Chamber of Commerce

Chinese - Russian Chamber of Commerce was registered in accordance with Russian and Chinese law in April 2014 with offices in Beijing, Harbin, Shenyang. The head office is located in Moscow. The activities of Chinese - Russian Chamber of Commerce include a wide range of services, which provides businessmen reliable access to Russian and Chinese markets. 
The Chamber is a non-governmental non-profit organization created with the aim of strengthening business and cultural relationships between the two countries, and aims to provide information and consulting support of business communities of Russia and China.

The activities of the Chamber 

The Chamber cooperates with various financial corporations, investment funds, insurance companies, companies from sectors such as aircraft building, automotive industry, mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, telecommunications, new and high technology, as well as companies producing consumer goods, etc. The Chamber is a permanent participant of different exhibitions and forums held in China.
Chinese-Russian Chamber of Commerce actively works with the government of  The Russian Federation and The People’s Republic of China, offering state support for the Chamber’s members. Chinese-Russian Chamber of Commerce is involved not  only in development of trade-economic relations between Russia and China, but also promotes intercultural exchange of the two countries. 
Chinese-Russian Chamber of Commerce provides consulting and information assistance for Chinese and Russian corporations. Our specialists help interested parties from Russia and China to obtain necessary information about possible options to develop business in the market of Russia and China. 
President of the Chamber - Yury Nosenko. Born in Moscow in 1963, Yury Nosenko was a  graduate of the Military Institute of the Ministry of Defense in Moscow, worked in long overseas trips to Europe and Africa. He was trained in strategic market in universities in France and the UK. For many years he has headed marketing services in various large state-owned and private companies in Russia and abroad. He is a member of the Italian-Russian chamber of Commerce and Moscow International Business Association. He has extensive experience in implementing complex investment projects and Government Consulting.


- Search for potential business partners in Russia and China;

- Assistance in the development and implementation of international investment projects in Russia and China;

-Organising conferences, seminars, round tables and other events for Russian and Chinese companies, the full support of the delegations;
-Translation of any documents, as well as assistance in the interpretation in Russia and China.

Our partners also provide such services for Chinese companies as representing clients in arbitration courts and general jurisdiction courts, in bankruptcy cases, before tax, customs and other state authorities, conducting negotiations with local authorities on investment contracts and obtaining of tax privileges.


  • DHL Global Forwarding 

    (ООО "ДХЛ Глобал Форвардинг")

  • Пекинская компания С&S Grace Oligosaccharide-biological engineering

  • Центральный выставочный комплекс

  • Управляющая компания NWC-Realty

  • Crocus Group

  • Пекинская компания по управлению инвестициями AILUTE

  • Финансовое ателье GROTTBJORN


  • Китайский Визовый Центр
События и мероприятия
  • 26.05
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  • 20.05
    20 мая 2023 года состоялась встреча президента Китайско-Русской Торговой Палаты Юрия Николаевича Носенко с представителями ПАО Сбербанк, на которой обсуждались вопросы сотрудничества с банками КНР. Ключевыми задачами переговоров стали развитие банковского взаимодействия между странами и обсуждение стратегий и перспектив дальнейшей работы. читать далее
  • 20.04

    В апреле 2023 года президент Китайско-Русской Торговой Палаты Юрий Носенко провел переговоры с Павлом Алешиным - заместителем руководителя Яндекс.Вертикалей. Павел занимается развитием несколько сервисов Яндекс, в том числе Авто.ру. В ходе переговоров обсуждались вопросы стратегического сотрудничества по поставкам автомобилей китайского производства в Россию. 

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  • 15.03

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